empaths / by Cristy York

The world is so small. We really are all tied together in this small little world.

And in these regards, I believe that life is about maturing from living through lessons.

I believe we're all on a path to correct our flaws and errors, and that the ONLY way to do that is by learning to listen better, learn better, and love better.

Hence being an empath helps your ability.

Last year I had someone tell me I was an immature Aquarius. And that always stuck with me, because I pondered what that really meant.

So what does it mean to be mature in your empathy? In your feelings? I think an immature empath is one who has not yet learned or mastered boundaries. You take on pain to the point where it deteriorates your mind, body, and soul. Without boundaries, it consumes you.

A mature empath will create boundaries and acknowledge where to draw the line. A mature empath differentiates between what they want to do, and what they have the realistic power to do.

It's a thin line.

You can’t pour from an empty cup. So make sure to always refill YOUR cup FIRST.