This Puts the "Motto" in "Mottovation" / by Cristy York

I am a first generation college student/graduate, and I'm here to tell you that your past or your parents do not define you.

I am blessed to have such a courageous and determined super-woman as a mother. I am blessed to have a mother who taught me to know God, to value those who show love and kindness, and the value of good work ethic. Thank you Momma.

I am blessed to have had good teachers and good mentors who advised me and kept me on the right path.

Neither of my parents went to college. In fact, no one in my family did. No uncles, aunts, cousins etc. My mom quit in 10th grade and she actually got her GED and went to get her CNA certification when I was in high school (Go mom! You da best)! My biological father is a meth addict who has been in and out of prison my entire life. I grew up in a trailer park in rural Georgia.

Now, I have my B.S. in Chemistry from the greatest little university in the world, Georgia Southern. I have a wonderful job with benefits, I live in a condo in Atlanta, and I own my own car.

Never, ever allow your past or your fears hinder you.

Understand that money is replenishable. It's this false idea we've made up and given false value to. You can always lose it, and you can always get more of it. Don't make too big of a deal of it - don't let it control you. This is something I learned while studying abroad in southeast Asia.

Travel! You will hate people who aren't like you if you've been taught to do so. Travel and expand your mind! Allow others to teach you about themselves and their culture. Do more listening and less speaking. You will learn more and you will be able to work with more people, making you the better candidate for a job.

Volunteer! Understand that when you do for others a part of you becomes vulnerable to empathy. Strive to put yourselves in others shoes, because one day could be the day you fall off the pedestal.

Work hard, and stop complaining. You gotta work a 10 hour shift and miss hanging out with your friends? Stop complaining. You got a roof over your head and food on the table don't you?

Count your blessings daily. You've had a hard day? Think about and list the items for which you can be grateful for. That will level the playing field.

Live like there's no tomorrow, because tomorrow is never promised.

Never be ashamed of where you came from.

Take pride in your lessons and the people you've encountered.

Take pride in your mistakes and vow to make choices that promote you rather than hinder you.

Be kind to others and doors will open.

Never stop learning. You can always improve yourself, til the day you die. You can always push yourself just a little harder, just a little further. You can always do better, so do it.

Education is key. Learn. Get out there. Be kind. Work hard.

Be humble.