Contacting Your U.S. Legislator Regarding Our Military Troops in Iran / by Cristy York

The purpose of this particular blog is to encourage multiple people to engage with their politicians and be heard by facilitating a means for the masses to copy, paste, and email.

People don't want to take the time out to write to politicians or to hunt down their email addresses. So I figure if I write this, then people can read it over, delete what they want, revise it if they feel the need to, and copy and paste what they like, and click send

Scroll past this template of what I sent to find the contact information for all of the southern senators. Each state has two senators.

Below this set of information are each of the 14 Georgia state House of Representatives.

Each email address link directs you to their contact page, where you must input your home address to proceed.

Now, if you want to go the extra mile and are looking for a loop hole to contact all of them and make your voice stretch beyond your two state senators and your single HoR - then all you have to do is Google search a random address in their state or district, respectively. Personally, I like to use nationally renown attractions, like the addresses of city halls, museums, and universities.

That way - our voices are received. That way - we are heard. That way - politicians can finally get the message which so many people have been silent about thus far.

I’m of the opinion that most Americans are, unfortunately, inactive because they believe their voices won't be heard, or because they believe their efforts won't matter. I want to show my fellow Americans that it indubitably matters - it matters that we unify and it matters that we speak up.

Finally, at the bottom of this page, I’ve included links to unbiased resources where I have derived my information from.

- A Concerned American Citizen

To the elected leaders of the United States of America,

I am a U.S. citizen and resident of Georgia. I have watched endlessly as this administration has made a mockery out of us. I urge my fellow citizens to be indifferent no more, to cease the Facebook scrolling without action, and to reach out to you – the people WE PAY whilst WE SUFFER – to finally TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION.

We are beyond impeachment of the president, although when the time comes I insist the Republican senators shed their polarized pseudo-loyalties to their senile false-leader and finally represent US – the people – by impeaching him fully. I employ you to barricade this tyrant Donald Trump in a room without access to his phone, tablets, or other means of internet access. I demand that you stop his foolish tirade immediately. As your substituent, I enlist you to prevent any and all would-be attacks on the Iranian citizens and their cultural and historical sites. 

As your substituent, I urge you to pursue and prevent all propaganda aimed towards riling up the U.S. citizens, inciting hatred in us, and dividing us by mis-educations and outright lies. I have read and discerned all credible news sources of late, and I understand new oil was discovered in Iran in November 2019; I understand clearly our relations with Iran and our imperialistic attacks on THEIR soil to SEIGE their oil since 1953; I have read and understand the transcript interview between one of our own and the Iranian foreign minister and I understand that it is OUR president who is being brash, hostile, selfish, and disruptive towards the common goal of peace. 

I am your employer. You are elected, appointed, and paid by my tax dollars and by my vote, and I insist that you lock up Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, and anyone else promoting hateful war crime propaganda towards the Middle East. I insist you lock them up and come to a necessary peace treaty with the Middle East at once. 

In the following statements I propose resolutions of which I urge you to fulfill. You may consider these proposals my demands for the American people – demands of which you must legislate into law should you expect to continue acting as the sitting elected official. 

  • Resolve the Iranian dilemma by meeting with their leaders at once and coming to a peaceful treaty by acknowledging and agreeing to end the occupation of their land by removing our troops at once, by ending our pursuit of oil at once, and by ceasing to attack, siege, or kill any persons or geographical sites within Iran or Iraq. 

    • Although the Iranian military leader may have not been a good man and although blood was irrefutably on his hands, he was – apparently – Iran’s greatest militia defense against ISIS, and it was brash, ill-strategized and non-covert of Trump to assassinate him. It was – without a doubt – a war crime. 

    • I don’t like Iran’s stance on a lot of things, but they are not our country and not our problem. We can’t fix them. They have made it adamantly and abundantly clear they nor Iraq want our officials or troops there. Remove them at once. Stop using OUR men and women as your disposable pawns for the pursuit of oil and occupation of land. We, the American citizens, demand you make peace, not war.

    • We were lied to in 2001, but we are not as naïve now – despite Trump’s effort to continuously incite hatred in us towards the Middle East. In 2001, we were told we were deploying to Iraq for “justice to help the people.” That was not the case. They do not need nor want our help, hence our presence is not warranted. Since 2001 it been published and officially disclosed that we actually deployed for the conquest and control of oil. In November, new oil reserves were found, and it is clear that Trump is disguising an imperial conquest as a military flex for power. Our American citizens are buying into this fear-based propaganda and it is dividing us. This serves to make our nation weaker and less educated about the truth of international relations – and thus, Trump must be banished from the political realm. 

    • Last year, Trump placed the Iranian government on the terrorist list. An entire government has NEVER before been placed on the terrorist list. This is the perfect chess strategy for Trump to have deliberately placed the government there then so that he could his attacks are warranted now. We, the American people, reject this.

    • Finally, if we do not have to feed OUR poor, to provide for OUR sick, to care for OUR homeless, to educate OUR society, the we have no business funding a war that only serves to occupy land, acquire oil, and kill innocent civilians. War does not help anyone except the rich politicians in control who prosper off of the oil and the business of weaponry distribution. It kills and destroys everyone else. We, the American people, reject this, and you must remove our troops immediately and never return them to Iraq or Iran again.

  • You MUST remove Trump and his corrupt affiliates from office immediately. 

    • Time and time again, Trump has proven to be a foolish and brash leader with zero cognitive regard for global outcomes or consequences. This is evinced by his constant Tweeting alone. Never before in the history of America has a President carried on like a 3rd grade child, bullying other children, citizens, and global leaders via textual threads on the internet. It is an outright disgrace and an embarrassment that he is our national symbol. 

    • He held no regard for global outcomes when he bullied Greta; when he mocked Europe for having forest fires; when he lost his cool over Soleimani’s memes – (frankly if you are an older person and you do not comprehend the purpose of memes or what the appropriate mature response towards memes is, then you have no business engaging with such and certainly if you are a US legislator you should leave office, go get educated for 4 years, then come back when you’ve learned); when he appointed Scott Pruitt, an adversary to resolving climate change issues, as Administrator to EPA; when he insists on publishing lies about wind energy; when he refuses to acknowledge our national water crisis yet campaigns for the NDPL; when he refuses to acknowledge our mental health crisis by refusing to host expert conversations to reduce the stigma or fund access to health care yet blames gun crimes on video gamers; when he is permitted to maintain his business assets while running the country even though Jimmy Carter had to relinquish his peanut farm; when he is the face of our nation despite multiple sexual assault allegations, his wife being an immigrant porn star, and yet we, our citizens, suffer at the height of a sexual assault crisis being highlighted by affluent offenders such as Weinstein and Epstein – (mind you, I have no qualms with immigrants or sex workers, it’s just that Trump consistently incites hateful racial profiling towards non-white immigrants and, respectively, as the national symbol we need to be perceived well and taken seriously by esteemed leaders); when he actively engages in nepotism whilst you, the legislators, turn a blind eye; whilst he fails to represent the common working man but fills the pockets of the rich by inducing tax codes for the rich while the poor die from rising health care and lethal pharmaceutical costs; whilst he reverses conservation legislation to protect ecosystems by permitting the sale of endangered species as transactional, imported trophies; and when he attempts to host the G7 Summit on his convenient property (which is not secluded, safe, or without personal gain for him). These ailments are terrible realities we, the American people, have suffered due to Donald Trump, and this is just the tip of the ice berg. You have to impeach him and dismantle his corrupt and greed-frenzied administration.

  • It is time to do away with outdated technologies, and it is time to adopt sustainable resources which serve our ecosystems, our animals, our water, and ultimately our people. We have observed unprecedented elevations in destructive floods, tsunamis, heat waves, and fires. The entire continent of Australia is visibly red from outer space for goodness sake! The earth is meant to be vibrant green and the water pervasively blue. For decades, governments across the world have turned a blind eye to the decay of coral reef and the rising accumulation of carbon dioxide in the oceans – evinced, in part, by the bleaching of the shells, the degradation of sea life, and the soaring ocean temperatures. You ignored it, perhaps, because you are not an ocean expert or diver, and perhaps you failed to comprehend the gravity of the situation, but we, the people, can no longer permit you to ignore the crisis in the midst of the terrestrial turmoil. We cannot permit you to arrogantly gaslight us in regards to climate change any further. We have the capacity and the means to do better, and we absolutely should. We have to do better. I demand you to write and enact legislation which requires oil and coal corporations to pocket their current claims, cash out, and transition to green energy or, in contrast, obligate them to a sunset bill and cease to exist as we know them today. The corporate oil reign of our world is over, and you have to take responsibility and mandate it in order to save us. Does this conflict with your personal special interests? Then I demand you to abandon your selfish greed and pony up to serve the people and our planet, or you must leave legislative office immediately. You must cease the congressional bickering and must begin to listen to and be advised by professional experts. There are other routes to money, and they exist in sustainable energies! RELATIVE TO THIS KEY DEMAND: IF THERE IS NO OIL INDUSTRY, THEN THERE IS NO CONQUEST FOR OIL, AND THUS THERE IS NO WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST. Do away with legislation which forces citizens to be made criminal should they invest in distillation or purification strategies for water, or should they invest in solar panels! Instead, applaud and reward their innovativeness with tax incentives! Reward corporations with tax incentives for making the gradual switch in 20 years or less! We must abandon the common practice of monopolized utilities services, and we must educate and equip our citizens with the means to be equally profitable as they are sustainable! 

  • Under the evidence of masses of sea mammals, birds, and fishes bloating and exploding in death due to insurmountable plastic waste, I also demand that you legislate a sunset bill officially banning one-use plastics, plastic bags, and plastic straws and obligating current corporate manufacturers to transition to investing in R&D and other such means to produce biodegradable alternatives. This will serve to create jobs, reinstall our faith in humanity, and ultimately save the planet and its inhabitants from apocalyptic doom.

We are tired of your lies. We are tired of you inciting us to hate each other. We are tired of you dividing us by distributing propaganda all around us. We are tired of you sitting in office getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars while we die from diabetes and other treatable illnesses. We refuse to allow you to dangle dollar signs in our faces while we crumble away in health and poverty. We are tired of you funneling money into privatized accounts for your personal gain. We are tired of the lack of progress. We reject your greed. And we resist your quest for oil and land occupation. Send our troops back. We want money funding the poor, not money funding the war! We want peace! We want health care! We want education! We want resolution! Or we will dismantle you from your pedestal at once – we refuse to accept your continuous disregard for us, we the people!


Your Substituent

Click here to be directed to the Google Drive List of Legislators and Their Contact Info

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